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Jiangsu top 10 education highlights of 2016

(ec.js.edu.cn) Updated:2017-01-26

4.Jiangsu sets up educational target

The Jiangsu provincial government set up an educational target during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) period on Nov 18, 2016 for building a more complete and dynamic education system, and pursuing better educational quality and equality.

5.Jiangsu works out educational development emphasis

The Jiangsu provincial government held a press conference in Nanjing on Nov 4, 2016, emphasizing the building of educational modernization demonstration zones, vocational and life-long education schools and top-tier universities over the next five years (2016-20).

6.Xu Chuan's classes win wide appreciation

Xu Chuan, a teacher from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, won the hearts of students in his classes with storytelling and sharing lively personal experiences, bringing both fun and inspiration to the classroom.


Xu Chuan shares his lively personal experiences with his class. [Photo from WeChat account jiangsujiaoyubao]

7.Jiangsu supports rural teachers

Jiangsu launched a series of methods to support the province’s 280,000 rural teachers, including conducting regular training, improving working conditions and creating more opportunities for exchanges between urban and rural teachers.


Jiangsu launches a series of methods to support the province’s 280,000 rural teachers in 2016. [Photo from WeChat account jiangsujiaoyubao]

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