
Chinese characters build creative cross-Straits ties

ec.js.edu.cn| Updated: July 18, 2017 L M S


Students from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan recite some of China’s poetic classics. [Photo/ec.js.edu.cn]

The youngsters’ imaginations ran wild on various themes and created a variety of innovative pieces. For instance, by infusing human feelings into Chinese characters, the once emotionless symbols were refreshed with visual and affective impact.

The ones vividly combining Chinese characters with the country’s diversified online culture – like internet buzzwords and memes – were eye-catching, as were those featuring dialects popular in East China’s Jiangsu and Fujian provinces, which are whole different things to Mandarin.

The exhibition also featured calligraphy works and recital performances by cross-Straits students who were members of a parallel calligraphy and recital summer camp that opened at the same university on July 12. In addition to informal cultural exchanges, the students were offered multiple special lectures.

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