
Measures taken to facilitate this year's gaokao

China Daily| Updated: July 7, 2020 L M S


Graduating students take part in a hand wrestling game to help themselves relax in the run-up to the National College Entrance Exam (NCEE) in Hengshui No 2 High School in Hengshui, Hebei province, on June 9, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

Personal protection and prevention

* Students should monitor their health before taking the exam, and have their protective and disinfection materials (including face masks, gloves, paper tissues and quick-drying hand sanitizer) prepared in advance.

* Wearing a mask is not mandatory for students riding private cars or on foot or by bicycle to the test sites; those who travel by public transport are required to wear masks, and are recommended to wear disposable gloves and maintain a safe social distance.

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