Advanced Coastal Dynamics
About the course
Located between the land and the sea, coastal areas are highly valuable and important for socio-economic and ecological reasons. However, these areas are vulnerable to the combined influence of human intervention and climate change. Understanding the dynamics and evolution of coastal areas, which is the aim of the course Advanced Coastal Dynamics, is essential for their sustainable management.
Advanced Coastal Dynamics is a 2-credit course for graduate students focusing on estuarine and coastal processes, with a special emphasis on morphodynamics (i.e., the mutual interaction between processes and morphology that shapes coastal landscapes). The student will learn basic concepts and simple applicationsazsd in the broad field of coastal geomorphology. Upon completion of this course, the student is expected to be able: (1) to distinguish different coastline types and associated coastal landscapes and features such as tidal flats, wetlands, tidal basins, estuaries etc; (2) to understand the mechanisms governing the pattern formation and evolution of different coastal landscapes and features; and (3) to apply theories to predict coastal morphodynamic evolution and propose solutions for coastal management.
To maximize students' benefit and understanding of the course, we try our best to link theory with practice by combining regular indoor teaching and outdoor field trips, which is highly welcome by students. To broaden students' horizon, we invite some international well-known scientists to deliver world-class guest lectures, including foreign academicians and editors of top journals. Welcome to join and let us explore interesting and exciting coastal dynamics.
About the teacher
Prof. Zeng Zhou is a coastal geomorphologist of Hohai University and he mainly focuses on estuarine and coastal morphodynamics. Upon completion of his PhD research at University of Cantabria (Spain), he continued academic visits to University of Auckland (New Zealand) and University of Cambridge (UK). He has extensive experience in the field of coastal dynamics and is the principle investigator of several major NSFC projects. He has published over 50 high-quality articles and he is now serving as an associate editor for journals such as Frontiers in Marine Science, Anthropocene Coasts, and Water Science and Engineering.
All materials are contributed by Hohai University.