Jiangsu promotes more postdoctoral education
Zijinshan Laboratory is one of the 46 newly-announced postdoctoral scientific work stations in Jiangsu. [Photo/WeChat account: weixunjiangsu]
Jiangsu province announced 46 new post-doctoral scientific work stations Dec 6, the most among all Chinese provinces, local media reported.
The stations were approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Postdoctoral Administrative Committee.
Zhu Congming, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, said postdoctoral work stations in Jiangsu cover all major industries, and the current batch are mainly focused on the internet of things, integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, biopharmaceuticals, high-end equipment, new-generation information technology, new energy and new materials.
"We will make good use of the station to further sharpen our expertise in high-end equipment, aiming to offer intellectual support to local industrial transformation and upgrading," said Zhou Mingzhu, an official from Changzhou Economic Zone.
An official from Suzhou Industrial Park, who has witnessed the establishment of three stations and 37 branch stations, said the park will continue to gather talents in biopharmaceuticals and nano materials.
Statistics show that Jiangsu has set up 1,461 postdoctoral work stations and innovative training bases, attracting 24,000 talents, the most of any such parks in China.
A staff member works at a postdoctoral scientific work station in Jiangsu. [Photo/WeChat account: weixunjiangsu]