Wuxi Institute of Technology
Napoleon once said about China: ” Let China Sleep, for when she wakes, she will wake the world”. He was right after all. The Great China is now shaking everything by its wisdom and the hard work. The secret or you can say the treasure is its people and its 4000 year’s glorious history. That’s something we can’t deny that the new sun of the Asia rises from this land in twenty first century and keeping onwards. The China is something that if I start talking about it won’t end. As for that I would like to keep my writing about southern east part of the China where I am living now. A place like a dream which I searched many times in my life and I am glad that I finally found it.
Jiangsu is the land of stories. A coastal Chinese province north of Shanghai. The ancient China’s Capital City Nanjing is situated in the heart of Jiangsu. A refined most livable and modern City grown up around the Taihu Lake is Called Wuxi. Another treasure of Jiangsu province. A year has been spend Living and studying in Wuxi Institute of Technology, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China. It was Long year but the beauty of this land and its peoples kindness and friendly attitude just left me out to forget the passing time, the time flies away. My wonders for this Country can give any readers a clear idea how magnificent the time I had been spend and which are yet not ended and I wish it won’t.
Through out of my journey to see China and learn what I seek I am shocked that this land has many things to offer than anything ever we thought about. China always was the pinnacle of the Knowledge which why The Prophet Mohammad (S) said 1400 years ago that “Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China”.
The Jiangsu province has lot of renowned Universities and Colleges. Every year a lot of foreign students come this region more than any other province of China. There is no doubt about that China shows its skills by developing skilled and tactical work related subjects which actually can change a person prospective on learning and by this can achieve what he was ever dreamed of.
Before I landed this new country I thought there wasn’t many foreigners’ lives here and also not have many of my fellow country people. But guess what! I was wrong. China makes me surprised on every steps where ever I put.
There is an Old saying in China: “笑一笑, 十年少。” 'laugh, ten years younger' the actual deep meaning is Happiness is the best cosmetic. By spending my time in here I have seen this actually been works to Chinese people. They keep their smile even the hardest situation. That’s why they live and keep their youth more than any of us.
It I won’t talk about the beauty of the China or just about the Jiangsu it won’t be a justice. To be honest it’s hard to even describe the beauty. You will feel it with your heart when you see and enjoy by yourself. The land has many things to offer for anyone but this is beyond anyone’s expectation. In my experiences I travel the great Dajue Tempel in Yixing, the famous city Suzhou. Seen the most famous spot in the center of Wuxi city Nanchan Temple, a gathering place of everyone to enjoy the Chinese history. Nanjing National Museum where the time is frozen and keep the glorious past in front of us. Or why not talk about the great Taihu Lake which is the jewel of the Jiangsu. And there is nothing to say about Shanghai, it’s an International city which is nothing less than New York or London.
Life in here shows me a lot of new ideals like many for others. I have experienced so many things in short time thanks to its people. Got so many opportunities from my college to shine my own path with the trustable suggestion by my teachers. Which why I’m able to do something and say what I’m now.
There is many untold beautiful stories to share but I don’t want to write the novel now. For the great China and its people history write its story on its own way. History never lies. That’s why there is another Old saying in China: “一步一个脚印。”, “Work steadily and make solid progress”
That’s what China is doing and I am keep my dreams that I will be stay to the end as it’s one of the witness of the prosperity.