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Nanjing Tech University


I know that many people said that studying abroad is a scary experience. Before I came here, some people said to me, “You are too young to leave your parents” or “It is harder than you thought, so you have to think about it carefully. Some people went abroad and ruined their lives”, but I really enjoyed my life in China. Personally though, I consider my time in university as my most valuable experience. Studying in China is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Every day is a new adventure and a new story that could be told. The country, the people and their culture is amazing to learn. Studying here has made me look at everything and everyone in my life through a different, it’s a life experience that can’t be beat. This experience has made me grow as a person and has put me in more real life situation than anything I have ever done in the past.

I’m studying in Nanjing, China and it opened my eyes to the history of China at the first time I came here with many historical place. This has always been a desire of mine. Since high school, I wanted to study in China because the teachers who taught me are Chinese and sometimes they shared their culture and their experience in China, it makes me want to study in China. Nanjing Tech University interested me because I would be able to study economy without paying tuition, they gave me hope to study in China with the scholarship. During my time in Nanjing, I had opportunity to participate in many competition and event such as speech competition, martial arts competition, badminton competition, and marathon. Before, I’m not the person who could speak in public easily but I decided to join the speech competition because my teacher told me to try, then it turns out I won the first place, this is the best experience of my entire study in China. I met people from around the globe with different languages and interesting accents like Mongolia, Malaysia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia and many more. I met people I normally wouldn’t hang out with and now we’re really close friends. We studied together, eat together and it makes me know more about their culture. I think it’s really fascinating to know another culture, maybe at the first it will really difficult to adapt but in the end we all can overcome it.


International Culture Festival 2019 

 I really learned how the world could feel really big and really small at the same time and how people on the other side of the ocean have the same hopes and fears that I did. I also got some experience after being class monitor, I learned how to be responsible for the task that have been given to me and learned how to always be on time to the class. Learning Chinese as a foreign language in China was probably the best learning experience I have had so far, I was taught about China history and the history of Chinese handwriting, and I think it’s really interesting. I wanted to be able to use Chinese for my career in the future and have a daily communication with my Chinese friends. The ability to speak another language like Chinese opened up a whole new world for me of different culture, people, literature, films and music. My experience in university has given me a chance to sharpen my skills both in economy and Chinese, which I’m really thankful for.

In general, my experience in Nanjing is fantastic and really can’t just be placed into words. My time in university has enriched my life in many ways. It has provided me to enhance my skills more and taught me about unity in diversity. I learned in and out of the classroom, experienced travel in ways I never have before, and also discovered more about myself and how to really take advantage of life as a whole. I know that I’ll remember everything that I learned in Nanjing for the rest of my life. Sure, I have many cool stories about my experience traveled to another country, but China gave me a lot more than that. My decision to study in China especially Nanjing was the best decision I have ever made. I always have the amazing memories of my experience abroad to look back on and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. And as a result, I know one day this valuable experience will help me for my career in the future. It’s not only allows me to further my education, but it also giving me the opportunity to visit some the most the beautiful countries in the world and this already affected my life in so many positive ways and I hope it changes someone’s life the way it did for me.


Nanjing Tech University Speech Competition 2019
